Contact Us
25 Tiburon St. San Rafael,
CA 94901
United States of America
- Phone: 800.985.9570
About PAC Machinery
Experience the innovative concept of PAC Machinery's 'Flexible Sustainability' showcased in our packaging solutions for the e-commerce and supply chain industries. Talk to our experts, experience featured packaging machinery and materials and discuss your packaging needs and projects at our Promat exhibit S-4259. Discover how our latest sustainable, eco-friendlier packaging options are revolutionizing the industry and providing an environmentally friendly approach to packaging, while helping companies protect their capital investment against future regulations on plastic.
PAC Machinery has been in the packaging industry for over 60 years with over 80 pieces of equipment across numerous packaging categories and has been focused on new innovations in sustainable packaging. Join PAC to discover cutting-edge solutions for all your packaging needs at exhibit S-4259.
Product Categories
- Clamco
- Fiberflex
- PAC Machinery Bags and Materials
- Packaging Aids
- Rollbag
- Vertrod
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