Navigating Digital Transformation – Assessing the landscape and crafting the roadmap

Event Time

Monday, March 17 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

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Location: Theater F


Event Information

Title: Navigating Digital Transformation – Assessing the landscape and crafting the roadmap


The landscape of American manufacturing is undergoing a seismic shift, marked a need for increased productivity and competitiveness. In the wake of global supply chain disruptions, rising labor costs, and the growing digital demand, manufacturers across the United States are integrating automation and advanced software and equipment into their operational strategy. Embracing automation and digital transformation makes processes more agile while empowering workers, enhancing safety, and keeping companies competitive.

Embracing this change is just the beginning. Digital transformation is intricate and demands organizational focus, investment, and cultural commitment, from top executives to frontline workers. It’s not something that can happen overnight – it’s a marathon, but the key is breaking it up into achievable sprints. Any successful digital transformation must focus on people, process, and technology, prioritizing people and process. A scalable digital foundation is also essential. Before your facility can deploy next-generation automation technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, and advanced automation, you need a vision and a commitment to continuously improve and drive innovation.

Join us in this session and gain these key takeaways:

Where and when this vision should commence, potential structured approaches, and crucial insights uncovered during digital transformation journeys.
Gain an understanding of the data utilized in assessments to the gaps often encountered, the expected timetable, deliverables, and the process of defining business cases and KPIs for digital transformation.
Discover the vital role of staff involvement and how assessments lay the groundwork for future scalability.  

Type: On-Floor Seminars

Key Takeaways:

-Where and when this vision should commence, potential structured approaches, and crucial insights uncovered during digital transformation journeys.
-Gain an understanding of the data utilized in assessments to the gaps often encountered, the expected timetable, deliverables, and the process of defining business cases and KPIs for digital transformation.
-Discover the vital role of staff involvement and how assessments lay the groundwork for future scalability.  

Product Category: Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning,Industrial Internet of Things



  • Intermediate


  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
  • Industrial Internet of Things


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